Land of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse, known in Japan as Mickey Mouse's Magical Crystal (ミッキーマウスの魔法のクリスタル, Mikkī Mausu no Mahō no Kurisutaru?), is a platform game ...
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15 Games like Land of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse - Sega Master System - Sega Game Gear
Super Monaco GP (スーパーモナコGP) is a Formula One racing simulation video game released by Sega, originally as a Sega X Board arcade game in 1989, followed by ports for multiple video game consoles and home computers in ...
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Sonic the Hedgehog Spinball, or Sonic Spinball (ソニック・スピンボール, Sonikku Supinbōru?), is a pinball video game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It was originally released for the Sega Mega Drive/G ...
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