Plague Inc: Evolved key offers a strategy simulation game developed by Ndemic Creations. It’s a sinister simulation game that combines high levels of strategy with terrifyingly realistic simulation. Create your pathogen and infect a chosen country. With time it will evolve and spread, turning into a globally genocidal virus bringing about the end of human history. Buy Plague Inc: Evolved key and choose from 10 different disease types, master every pathogen and create the virus capable of ending humanity once and for all. The Plague Inc Evolved price is not paid by you, it is paid by the human race, trembling in fear from the virus you’ve spread and if everything goes as planned, being wiped out completely by the end of it! Participate in 23 unique scenarios, adapt your strategy as the scenarios will create further challenges preventing your created virus from spreading. The Plague Inc Evolved key unlocks a vastly competitive multiplayer mode, co-op mode, and an awesome content editor to develop your very own custom scenarios, new plague types, worlds, and even in-game events! It’s a terrifying game, and a constant reminder of how fast can things go south given the right circumstances. Thankfully, at least for now, you’re the one inflicting the damage, instead of the one suffering from it.