Side Pocket 3 (Japanese: サイドポケット3, Hepburn: Saido Poketto 3?) is a Japan-exclusive pocket billiards video game for the PlayStation and Sega Saturn. Like its' predecessor, Side Pocket 2, it features the in-game ...
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Shinobi Legions, known as Shinobi X in Europe and as Shin Shinobi Den (新・忍伝) in Japan, is an action game in the Shinobi series, developed and published by Sega in 1995 for Sega Saturn. ...
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Dark Savior (ダークセイバー, dāku seibā?) is an isometric 3D mixed genre game for the Sega Saturn created by Climax Entertainment. It was referred to by GameSpot as a sequel to the developer's game for the Sega Mega ...
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Policenauts (ポリスノーツ, Porisunōtsu?) is an interactive movie/visual novel/adventure game with a hard science fiction storyline, written and directed by Hideo Kojima, and published by Konami. It was initially released fo ...
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Golden Axe: The Duel (ゴールデンアックス・ザ・デュエル?) is a fantasy-themed competitive fighting game produced by Sega based on their Golden Axe series. It was originally released as a ...
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Kingdom Grandprix, released in Japan as Shippū Mahō Daisakusen Kingdom-Grandprix (疾風魔法大作戦キングダム-グランドプリ, Shippū Mahō Daisakusen Kingudamu-Gurandopri?, ...
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P.T.O. II (Pacific Theater of Operations), released as Teitoku no Ketsudan II (提督の決断II?) in Japan, is a Koei strategy video game that depicts the conflict between the USA and Japan during World War II. The video game is a seq ...
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Real Sound: Kaze no Regret (リアルサウンド ~風のリグレット~?) is an adventure audio game created by WARP, Inc. for the Sega Saturn in 1997. The game was intended to provide equal acces ...
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Virtual Hydlide (ヴァーチャルハイドライド, Vācharu Haidoraido?) is an action-adventure video game for the Sega Saturn console, developed by T&E Soft. It is a remake of the original Hydlide, the first ...
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Die Hard Trilogy is a video game based on the first three installments of the Die Hard series of action movies. Die Hard Trilogy features three games in one, each based on a movie installment and featuring a different genre and game play style respec ...
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Guardian Heroes (ガーディアン ヒーローズ, Gādian Hīrōzu?) is a 2D side-scrolling beat 'em up video game in the vein of Final Fight or Golden Axe, but with RPG elements. Guardian Heroes was develope ...
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The Legend of Oasis, known in Japan as Thor ~Seirei Ou Kiden~ (トア 〜精霊王紀伝〜, lit. "Thor ~Chronicles of the Elemental King~"?) and in Europe as The Story of Thor 2, is a 1996 action role-playing game develope ...
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